Menstrums Metals & Minerals: course details October 2024

A course in metallic Alchemy & Iatrochemistry

Course Overview

I hope you can all swim because this course provides a full on dive into the fascinating world of metallic Alchemy.
Pertaining particularly to Antimony & Gold.
The Ravenous wolf of the ancient texts, the Aires of the philosophers, The Black Dragon herself will be introduced both in theory and practice.
The metal of the Sun, that incorruptible Gold will also be used to facilitate a path into the world of metallic oils.
this course will be given primarily by

Roger Lambert

 ..scientific geobiologist, clinical bioenergetic therapist, operative alchemist, public speaker, founder of Eaux Chaotiques & researcher into the alchemical & spagyric arts.


The subjects studied will include:

  • Liquation of Stibnite ore
  • The kermes method for extracting low grade ore
  • Glass of Antimony
  • The regulus of Antimony
  • Antimonial Vinegar
  • Von Suchten`s stone
  • Oil of Gold; from metal to organic oil

The Take away

After attending this course you will have learned the techniques & processes to refine and process raw Stibnite ore into its metallic form for ulterior uses as well as all the secrets for making perfect Glass of Antimony, the famed regulus that will put you upon the road to higher works & the secrets to making, sweetening and purifying metallic oils. This is a rare opportunity to acquire some of the keys that will show you how to open the Closed door to the palace of the king.
This course is for those who already have a  grounding in Spagyric Alchemy who wish to discover the higher arcanum of the Art. 
NB This course involves the use of extremely high temperatures and poisonous substances that are inherently dangerous and even lethal. The signing of a disclaimer will be required from all participants.

 Book The Menstrums, Metals & Minerals course Now

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